Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Coffee And Bowl Cancer

It is estimated that about 2 out of 3 bowel cancers may be preventable by changes in diet and lifestyle, but no one dietary component can eliminate the risk of developing bowel cancer.

Well conducted studies have suggested that coffee drinking is related to a lower risk of bowel cancer. According to one study in Canada the risk reduced as coffee drinking rose to 5 cups a day and this was especially evident in men. (Woolcott et al. 2002) Another group of studies showed a 28% reduction in risk of developing colorectal cancer for those drinking four or more cups of coffee daily compared to those drinking less than one cup. This lower risk of colorectal cancer, among moderate and regular coffee drinkers, was observed consistently in over a dozen studies undertaken in a variety of settings in Asia, Northern and Southern Europe, and North America.

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